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by Ann Brashares and Ben Brashares

Henry, Frances and Lukas are neighbours, and they used to be best friends. But in middle school Frances got emo, Lukas went to private school and Henry just felt left behind. When they come together again for the funeral of a pet gerbil, the three ex-friends make a mind-blowing discovery: a radio, buried in Henry’s garden, that allows them to talk to another group of three kids in the same town in New Jersey, USA … in the same backyard … eighty years in the past.

The kids in 1944 want to know about the future: are there laser guns? Flying cars? Jetpacks, at least? Most of all, they want to know about the outcome of the world war that their dad and brothers are fighting in.  But one change leads to another, and the six friends accidentally change the course of history in the worst way imaginable: the Nazis winning the war. Now it’s up to the friends to change it back.

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