Published on Saturday, 24 September 2022 at 10:19:18 AM
Banksia Ball Memories
The Banksia Ball 1972 which was held in the Geraldton Town Hall, marked the first significant social event for Aboriginal people in the town. As such, the Aboriginal Development and Cultural Council (ADCC) understood the importance of executing the event well, to pave the way for the future. George Abdullah as the Chairman of ADCC along with committee members began approaching local businesses and individuals to assist with the event in any way that they could. Lester Abdullah recalls accompanying his Dad in approaching businesses such as Thuy’s Cake Shop who sponsored the food and Chapman and Jose who donated cool drinks, as well as, sponsoring the souvenir invitation along with Turnertronics. The acquisition of the St Stephens Hall in Beachlands by the ADCC was essential as it provided a place to meet, to organise, to fundraise and to hold social events which went a long way to building the organisation’s belief that they could indeed achieve something that called for such an extensive collaborative approach.
Jill Abdullah who attended the Banksia Ball reflects that the Ball was the first time where both local and state governments, local businesses and an Aboriginal organisation, worked together to successfully execute a community event. As far as Jill remembers, the Ball really was fantastic and extremely well-organised. Jill goes on to explain that it certainly changed Non-Aboriginal people’s perspective of the Aboriginal community in showing such positive involvement rather than, the negativity perpetuated by the press at the time. Jill states that people need to remember that not all Aboriginal people agree, just like not all Non-Aboriginal people agree but, the fact that the Banksia Ball demonstrated such a united front was significant in itself. The Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people of Geraldton really came together to celebrate.
Lester re-iterates that the Banksia Ball “was the beginning of us as an Aboriginal community to say we can achieve this and we did it really well”.
Banksia Ball 50th Anniversary and Town Hall 1907 to 1984 exhibition will open at the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery (GRAG) on Friday 30 September 2022. A Banksia Ball oral history afternoon will be held at GRAG on Sunday 02 October 2022. Free ticketed events, registrations required via Eventbrite.
Snapshots is an initiative of the Geraldton Regional Library. For more information, or to donate a historical photo or slide to the Library, contact Heritage Services at the Geraldton Regional Library on 9956 6659 or
Y 1175: Banksia Ball 1972 at the Geraldton Town Hall. Miss Sunshine 1972; Julie Heinrich, Mayor and Mrs Mildwaters, Yasmin (Jill) Abdullah, George Abdullah and 6GE Announcer; Alan Pearsall, courtesy of the Abdullah Family.
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