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Snaphot in Time - Queens Hotel

Published on Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 11:22:08 AM

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Queens Hotel

When built by A.G Moses in 1907, the Queen’s hotel was known as The Moses Hotel. The land where Moses Street is now (just up the hill from Queen’s IGA) was owned by A.G Moses and was where he kept his racehorses. He transferred his publican’s licence to EP Broderick on 31 August 1914.The hotel served, among other brands, Globe beer, brewed and bottled in Geraldton. The hotel was purchased by John “Jack” Marsden in 1951. In 1953 Jack engaged the services of architect Kenneth G Rosenthal of Perth to plan and design the first stage of the new Queen’s Hotel. During the extensive renovations, the license was moved to Lot 21 George Road, which was a very popular venue. In late 1962, Stage 2 was completed, and the license was transferred back to the Hotel.

In 1963 plans were drawn for an undercover beer garden in the middle of the U-shaped building. This was to have a wooden dance floor and a small, raised stage. Plans were also drawn up for a drive-through bottle shop at the rear of the hotel facing the car park. In 1964 this was the first drive-through bottle shop to operate in Geraldton. The Queen’s Hotel was demolished in November 2004.

Ben Marsh

Photo Caption: Queen’s Hotel (P 4791), Courtesy of Geraldton Regional Library.

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