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Snapshot in Time - Geraldton Port

Published on Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 11:39:58 AM

Geraldton Port

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Servicing the Midwest since 1840, when it received its first ship, the HMS Champion, the Geraldton Port has been the major seaport in the area for over 180 years. In 1928, construction of the wharf began, and it was to be the first reinforced concrete berth in Western Australia. There have been many upgrades to the port over the years, culminating in the 2003 Port Enhancement Project. 2005 saw two new tugboats commissioned, each having a 50-tonne bollard pull capacity. Bollard pull capacity is the thrust a tugboat can create at zero forward speed. In 2012, a third tugboat with a 60-tonne bollard pull capacity was commissioned.

In 2014, the Geraldton Port Authority was renamed the Mid-West Ports Authority to reflect the amalgamation of the Geraldton Port with the proposed port of Oakajee and the port facilities at Useless Loop and Cape Cuvier. Catering to regular visits from cruise ships has further expanded the Ports contribution to Geraldton’s economy and future as the hub of the Midwest.

Ben Marsh

Photo Caption: The Geraldton Port c. 1986 (P 1877), [Geraldton Telegraph], Courtesy of Geraldton Regional Library.  

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