Published on Tuesday, 2 August 2022 at 9:00:35 AM
Sunshine Festival Queen Competition by Lorin Cox
The Sunshine Festival was first held on 21 August 1959 and was, up until the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic, the longest running regional festival in Western Australia. This Snapshot caption celebrates the Sunshine Festival Queen Entrants of 1984; Lisa Miragliotta, Noeline Edwards, Michelle Derbyshire, Susan Reeves, Kelle Millet, Debbie Waghorn, Sarah Morton and Kylie Shepherd. Lisa Miragliotta was announced as the winner at the Variety Concert at the Queens Park Theatre with the prize being a return trip for two to Darwin including accommodation plus a $200 investment savings account with the R & I Bank and jewellery from Geraldton Jewellery and Trophy Centre. The year 1984 marked the 26th annual Sunshine Festival which Mayor Phil Cooper addressed in the festival programme; “The event has occurred each year for the last quarter of a century and its effect is to promote far and wide “The Friendly Town, Sun City Geraldton”.
Image caption: Sunshine Festival Queen Entrants, 1984, photographs by Lou Checker courtesy of Geraldton Telegraph.
Caption by Lorin Cox.
Snapshots is an initiative of the Geraldton Regional Library. For more information, or to donate a historical photo or slide to the Library, contact Heritage Services at the Geraldton Regional Library on 9956 6659 or
P 2393: Michelle Derbyshire |
P 2394: Noelene Edwards |
P 2395: Sarah Morton |
P 2396: Kylie Shepherd |
P 2397: Lisa Miragliotta
P 2398: Kelle Millett |
P 2399: Susan Reeves
P 2400: Debbie Waghorn |
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